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Munich, Germany 2-11-79

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Queen-Munich, Germany 2-11-79 (SBD)

Basketball Halle
February 11th 1979
Master>1991 German TV rebroadcast>VHS (0)>DVD>WAV>FLAC level 8>CDR
1.1 Let Me Entertain You 3:59
1.2 Now I'm Here 7:19
1.3 Bohemian Rhapsody (Cut) 3:28
1.4 Sheer Heart Attack 3:31
1.5 We Will Rock You 2:29
1.6 We Are The Champions 3:28
1.7 God Save The Queen 1:09
Total Time: 25:23
Compiled by Sir GH of Queenzone to make the most complete source possible for this show. Taken from a VHS tape of the 1991 German re broadcast, excellent sound quality and what is present is a great performance.