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New York City, NY 10-09-78 (DVD)

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Jethro Tull-New York City, NY 10-09-78 (DVD PRO)

Jethro Tull

Madison Square Garden

New York City,

New York

October 9th 1978

PRO>Satellite Broadcast>VHS (0)>DVD


Thick As A Brick
No Lullaby
Flute Solo
Pibroch (Keyboard Instrumental)
Songs From The Wood
Locomotive Breath
Dambusters March

Total Time: 50:38


This was released officially by Tull on VHS many years ago, but this version does not come from the officially available VHS, this comes from the Telstar International broadcast commemorating 10 years of Jethro Tull. This was the first satellite broadcast of music. Excellent show, a must have. DVD is in NTSC format with menu and chapters.