josedequeso's trading thing

Napoli, Italy 4-19-72

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Genesis-Napoli, Italy 4-19-72


Teatro Mediterraneo



April 19th 1972


"Napoli 72 Complete"


1.1 Happy The Man 04:17
1.2 Stagnation 10:34
1.3 Fountain Of Salmacis 08:27
1.4 Twilight Alehouse 08:54
1.5 The Musical Box 10:08
1.6 Return Of The Giant Hogweed 06:47
1.7 Drum Solo 02:12
1.8 The Knife 08:17

Total Time: 57:43


This is the complete Napoli show, with the best sound circulating. Sound still isn't great but worth it for the performance alone. Genesis never disappointed at in Italian show.