josedequeso's trading thing

Hemel Hempstead, England 12-18-75

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Van Der Graaf Generator-Hemel Hempstead, England 12-18-75 (AUD)

Van Der Graaf Generator


Hemel Hemstead,


December 18th 1975



1.1 The Undercover Man 8:23

1.2 Scorched Earth 10:20

1.3 Arrow 10:53

1.4 A Louse Is Not A Home 13:19

1.5 Faint-Heart And The Sermon 8:20

1.6 La Rossa 13:36

2.1 Lemmings 19:00

2.2 Gog 6:50

2.3 Gog (Conclusion) 2:37

2.4 The Sleepwalkers 12:27

2.5 Man-Erg 11:00

2.6 Encore Calls 2:47

2.7 Pilgrims 8:17

Total Time: 2:07:49


A pretty typical VDGG show, and by that I mean an excellent display of talent and a reaffirmation in humanity. Quality is above average.