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GMDVD08 Live 1973-75

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Genesis-GMDVD08 Live 1973-75 (DVD PRO/AUD)

Live 1973 & 1975 DVD

October 30 & 31, 1973 - Sheperton Studios - 64 minutes
*The source for this is a 2nd generation tape thanks to Maurizio. It has great detail despite the
dark stage Genesis used. In my opinion, this is the best copy we are likely to see baring an official
release. Thanks also to Lidsville Dave for accepting nothing less than the best it can be.
*Includes Watcher of the Skies, Dancing out with the Moonlit Knight, I Know What I Like,
The Musical Box & Supper's Ready

January 24, 1975 - German TV - 10 minutes
*The source for this is a very rare broadcast tape, not taken from TV. It used to be available for purchase from the TV station, but it is no longer offered.
*Includes short clips of The Slipperman, In The Cage, and The Musical Box

January 1975 - Chicago, IL 8mm - 5 Minutes
*The date for this silent film is uncertain, but is unmistakable for it's extended Slipperman footage. Also includes a short Musical Box portion at the end. The generation is unknown but decent; far better than most copies.

February 2, 1975 - Grand Rapids, MI 8mm - 6 Minutes
*This silent lamb footage is probably the most common and includes some excellent close-ups and a nice array of different songs. It is unknown generation and I don't think a great 8mm to video transfer was ever done.

April 8, 1975 - Hamburg, Germany 8mm - 4 Minutes
*This silent lamb footage has had a decent transfer (as several film copies were made over the years) but is on the dark side, even for 8mm.

*April 1975 - Liverpool, England 8mm - 13 Minutes
This silent lamb film was discovered only a few years ago and was 'leaked' during the initial film to video transfer. This copy is not from the initial video transfer but from a brighter transfer done a little more recently. The biggest downside to the (otherwise excellent quality) film is the filmer's terrible tendency to start and stop the film a lot.

Video has been encoded at a VBR of 5-6MBPS.
Live music has been added to all silent footage for a better effect.
Total Time: 1:39:27

An excellent collection of 8MM film from 73-75, includes an outdated Shepperton footage, but the rest is all cutting edge.