josedequeso's trading thing

Brighton, England 10-15-73

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Genesis-Brighton, England 10-15-73 (AUD)


The Dome



October 15th 1973



1.1 Watcher Of The Skies 10:32

1.2 Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 10:58

1.3 The Cinema Show 11:31

1.4 I Know What I Like 06:27

1.5 Firth Of Fifth 10:23

1.6 The Musical Box 10:18

Total Time: 1:00:09


There is some doubt to the validity of this tape, I believe it's genuine, no other tape sounds anything like it. The quality is quite good but suffers from noise reduction which gives it an mp3 encoding sounding quality, which is very frustrating to listen to.